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Should My Furnace Be Repaired or Replaced?

You might think it's time to start preparing your home for winter as summer ends and the first signs of autumn appear. Checking your furnace for wear and considering repairing or replacing a damaged system is one of the most crucial things you can do to prepare for the upcoming winter.

Knowing when to have your furnace maintained and whether to have your system repaired or replaced is frequently tricky. Although every circumstance is unique, this guide will assist you in learning the ideal time to service your furnace, potential issues, and whether to repair or replace your system in each case.

Before winter, have your furnace serviced or replaced.

You likely realize the significance of having a fully functional furnace for the winter as a homeowner in the Northern United States. An uncomfortable crisis can arise from a broken heating system on a chilly winter day. Nothing is worse than waking up in a chilly house; vulnerable family members like children may even be in danger if the heat is lost.

There is no time to waste because this part of your house is so important. If possible, decide whether to repair or replace your furnace before winter fully arrives. You can guarantee your family's comfort throughout the winter by attending to your furnace's requirements in the summer or fall before the cold weather arrives. The following are some potential advantages of an early repair or replacement:

More time for research: If you decide to have your system repaired or replaced before the winter, you will have more time to look into your options, compare models, and compare prices.

Saving money: Repairing or replacing your furnace in the summer instead of when demand is high may allow you to save money on parts and labor.

More time to prepare a budget: A furnace is a significant financial investment for your house, so getting it fixed or replaced before it breaks gives you time to look into financing options that won't break the bank.

Replacement vs. Repair

There are a few things to consider when deciding whether to keep your current furnace or replace it with a more efficient one, though there are no hard and fast rules. If you're trying to decide whether to repair your system or replace it entirely, consider the following situations. Of course, deciding whether to repair or replace your furnace can be difficult at any time of year. Every situation is different, and making a decision is never easy.

1. Your furnace is releasing carbon monoxide

Any system that might expose you and your family to carbon monoxide should be replaced as soon as possible, not just patched up. A cracked combustion chamber furnace should always be replaced immediately because it allows carbon monoxide to enter your home.

Carbon monoxide, also known as the silent killer, is an odorless, tasteless, and colorless gas that, when inhaled for a prolonged period, results in death. More than 2,200 people passed away from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning between 2010 and 2015. When furnace use is at its peak, the winter months see the most significant fatalities.

The following are some indications that your furnace may be producing carbon monoxide:

1.       Instead of blue, the furnace burner flame is yellow.

2.       too much moisture on the walls, windows, and other surfaces

3.       , corrosion on pipes

4.       Soot streaks surrounding the furnace

5.       No upward draft exists in the chimney.

6.       nausea, headaches, disorientation, and other flu-like symptoms

You must leave your home as soon as you become aware of any of these symptoms, call the fire department, let your utility company know to shut off your gas and get medical help as soon as possible. After that, speak with a heating expert to have your furnace replaced.

2. You installed your furnace more than 15 years ago.

Unfortunately, even the best heating systems eventually wear out. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that a furnace should last 15 to 30 years before needing to be replaced. The brand, furnace quality, and some other factors all affect this, of course.

However, during this time, a heater will typically show increased signs of wear, resulting in more frequent and expensive repairs. It might be more cost-effective to replace the furnace with a more modern system rather than continuously keeping an eye out for repairs on an old system.

Your furnace may be too old to operate correctly if it hasn't been serviced in a year or less and still requires expensive repairs. Like a car with many miles on it, an old furnace may still function properly with minor repairs but won't be able to meet your needs as effectively as a replacement. If it was just installed and hasn't yet reached the end of its useful life, you should consider making repairs to extend its lifespan.

3. The Price of a Repair Is More Than Half That of a Replacement

Experts generally advise replacing your furnace when repair costs are greater than 50% of the cost of a replacement when comparing the price of a repair versus a replacement. However, if repairs exceed one-third of the cost of a new furnace for an older heating system that is more than 75% of the way through its expected lifespan, you should think about doing so.

Generally, a new furnace ranges from $2,000 to $6,500, depending on the model and efficiency level. The following average prices can be a helpful estimate when comparing the cost of a replacement, even though actual replacement costs can vary depending on location, brand, warranties, and other features:

1.       Crude oil costs $2,800 for standard efficiency and $6,500 for high efficiency

2.       Gasoline: $4,600 for high efficiency, $2,100 for standard efficiency

3.       Electricity costs $2000 for low efficiency and $4400 for high efficiency.

Consider the following when determining the replacement's worth:

If the repair cost exceeds 50% of the replacement cost, repair a newer furnace.

Replace: If your furnace is over three-quarters of its expected lifespan and repair costs about one-third as much as a replacement, you should replace it.

4. Your heating bill has gone up recently.

Heating costs vary yearly due to weather patterns, supply, and demand variations, like gas for your car. While this may help to explain some of the variations in your heating bill, you should still be on the lookout for any unusual monthly spikes that coincide with furnace use.

Compare the price of the most recent heating season's bills to those from previous heating seasons. Recent heating bills may have changed significantly, which indicates that your furnace is probably using too much energy. It's also time to have your system serviced if you're still using it sparingly and can't explain the increase.

Internal components deteriorate and operate less effectively as a heating system ages. These components begin to malfunction and struggle to meet the heating demands of your home and carry out the same tasks they once did without difficulty.

 The furnace uses more energy due to the added strain required to meet demand, which impacts your bill. Use the following criteria to decide whether to swap out worn-out components or set up a brand-new system in this situation:

Repair: Have the inefficient parts fixed if your furnace is less than 15 years old and the cost of repairs is less than half that of a replacement.

Replace: An old furnace will likely need frequent repairs and expensive heating bills. Consider replacing your furnace if it's an old system that would need pricey repairs to stay efficient.

5. It Seems Like Your Furnace Is Less Effective Than Ever

Have you ever noticed how certain areas of your home are warmer than others? Do you feel you must constantly run back and forth to adjust the thermostat to maintain comfort in any given space? Does it feel humid or muggy outside? If so, they might indicate that the efficiency of your furnace is eroding.

Despite the same temperatures and household routine, if your furnace felt less powerful this winter than in previous winters, it may be losing power, or your home's duct system may be too old to distribute heat evenly. It might be time for maintenance if the system's condition has not improved after two heating seasons, and there is no apparent reason.

The age of the furnace and the cost of repairs can help you decide whether to repair or replace an inefficient system:

Repair the problems causing lost productivity if the system is less than 15 years old and the cost of repairs doesn't exceed 50% of the replacement cost.

Replace: If your furnace is nearing the end of its anticipated lifespan, repairs could only offer a short-term solution to a problem that will only worsen over time. Think about replacing outdated, inefficient systems.

6. Repairs Become more significant or frequent.

You can tell when your old furnace isn't worth excessive maintenance, just like an old car. If you've had the same system for more than 15 years and it's only required repairs a handful of times, but you now find yourself calling a heating expert once every few months, your furnace is probably not worth the maintenance expense.

In the same way, if the cost of repairs keeps going up, you might want to consider getting a new heating system. Once a furnace has reached the end of its useful life, you can anticipate more extensive and frequent maintenance, which will put an unnecessary strain on your budget. Installing a brand-new system is frequently more economical than repairing an already damaged one.

However, if a newer furnace has frequent or significant breakdowns while still being well within the expected lifespan, this may indicate that the issue is being misdiagnosed or improperly addressed. Consider contacting a different heating expert to get a second opinion on the underlying problem if your system is newer and has required two or three repairs in the last couple of years.

When dealing with significant or frequent repairs, take into account the following options:

Get a second opinion if your furnace needs repeated repairs on a more current system. Repair: Repair if your furnace needs minor maintenance like low airflow, water leaks, or thermostat repairs.

Replace your system entirely for major repairs like a broken heat exchanger or control module. You should also replace old systems that require a lot of maintenance.

7. Your furnace is making odd noises.

Most furnaces make noise when turned on or off, but if yours starts to make louder and louder noises without warning, it may be time for a replacement furnace.

To describe the sound to a repair professional, pay attention to the type of noise you hear, such as rattling, popping, screeching, or humming, and the location from which it is coming. Several problems, including exposed ductwork, an unbalanced motor, motor failure, or worn-out components, may cause noises. The severity of each issue varies, making some repairs more critical than others.

When dealing with a noisy furnace, take into account the following:

Repair: To keep a new system functional for the rest of its expected lifespan, it should ideally be repaired.

Replace: Replacing the entire furnace will probably be more cost-effective if your system is over 15 years old and needs work on deteriorating components.

8. You're considering selling your house shortly

When weighing their options, homebuyers seek the best possible investment and frequently base their choice on the abundance of advantageous characteristics of a particular property. Since furnaces are the most popular form of space heating in the United States, having a functional, efficient furnace is necessary.

Although replacing your furnace is unlikely to raise the value of your house, it can still be crucial for your ability to sell it. During the inspection process, it's likely that an outdated heating system that has reached the end of its useful life will need to be replaced.

Failure to upgrade an outdated system may result in buyers asking you for a lower asking price at best, and at worst, it may prevent them from making an offer on your house.

A new system may be an attractive investment for you and potential buyers of your house if your furnace has been operating poorly and you plan to sell your house in the next two or three years. In the first two or three years you live in your home, you can benefit from a more efficient heating system and lower heating costs. Additionally, if you decide to sell your house, a recently installed furnace will appeal to potential buyers by assuring them that they won't need to replace the system for years.

When deciding whether to fix or replace your system before a move, take into account these options:

Repair: If property values in your area are low, it might be more cost-effective to make quick fixes that will keep your system up and running and allow you to stay in your current home for the foreseeable future.

Replace: An outdated system needs to be replaced to satisfy customers and pass inspection.

9. You Have Retired or Will Soon Retire

Purchasing a new furnace can be profitable if you're close to retiring. You can enjoy your new furnace's comfort, efficiency, and cost savings for years to come without worrying about system failure when you replace your old heating system as you get closer to retirement. You might never have to replace your system again.

In addition to making your home more comfortable, an effective heat source is increasingly vital for your health as you age. The National Institute on Aging claims that simply being in a cold house can cause older people to experience hypothermia symptoms.

Installing a new furnace that will keep your home warm with the highest efficiency level is the best option to avoid straining your health or the safety of elderly family members.

If you have a more recent or high-efficiency system that isn't nearing the end of its useful life, make repairs as needed.

Replace: If you or an elderly loved one have a history of illnesses, think about replacing an old furnace with a more energy-efficient model.

10. You're Interested in Getting Tax Credits and Utility Rebates

Installation of a high-efficiency furnace requires a sizable upfront investment, but it might be well worth it. You may be qualified for local and state tax credits by installing a high-efficiency system.

Additionally, local utility providers provide incentives when you buy a high-efficiency furnace. You'll be able to take advantage of these one-time rebates in addition to monthly heating bill savings, which could assist in covering the cost of the initial installment.

Learn more about your area's tax credits and rebates by contacting your local utility company or checking the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency.

How Much Time Does a Furnace Have?

The average furnace lasts 20 to 30 years. This does not, however, imply that you can put off replacing yours for so long. If your furnace has serious issues and needs frequent repairs, you may need to start considering replacing it after about 15 years.

By changing the filters and cleaning the burners regularly, you can increase the lifespan of your furnace. Also, consider getting an HVAC contractor to tune up your system before the winter and perform yearly inspections.

How Can I Tell When My Furnace Needs to Be Replaced?

Ideally, it would help if you replaced your furnace before it completely broke down. This could quickly occur in the dead of winter, leaving you with no way to heat your house. Instead, pay close attention to how efficiently and expensively your furnace operates.

Here are a few indicators that it may be time to consider a replacement.

1.       The furnace requires frequent maintenance, which raises the cost of repairs.

2.       Unusual noises, such as buzzing or rattling, are coming from the furnace.

3.       Dust, soot, or rust is released by the furnace, especially near the register.

4.       More frequently, the furnace starts turning on and off.

5.       The heat exchanger has cracks in it.

6.       Even though you aren't using it as frequently, your heating costs are soaring.

7.       Some areas of your home are heated more evenly than others.

8.       Around the furnace, you notice rust, cracks, or corrosion.

9.       You become aware of an increase in indoor humidity.

Some warning signs might only indicate that something needs to be fixed or maintained. But as they mount up toward the end of the appliance's useful life, they may indicate that it's time to replace the furnace altogether. If a replacement is required, an HVAC expert can let you know, and you can always get a second opinion from another contractor to put your mind at ease.

Use the following criteria to determine whether it's time to replace your furnace due to age:

Repair: If the system is under 15 years old, it is frequently preferable to have it serviced instead of replacing it.

Replace: Systems over 15 years old are likely to require frequent, costly repairs and may need to be replaced.

Does a Home Warranty Cover a New Furnace?

A home warranty is a contract that pays to fix or replace covered home systems and appliances when they malfunction due to normal wear and tear. Almost all home warranty providers cover furnaces and other heating systems.

Even though most of these warranties do not cover pre-existing conditions, regardless of whether you were aware of them before signing the agreement, they cover systems and appliances regardless of how old they are.

Consider purchasing a home warranty if your furnace is nearing the end of its useful life but is still operating normally. When one of these is installed, you can contact your provider whenever your furnace experiences a problem, and the company will send one of its contractors to fix the problem. The service provider will frequently pay for a replacement if the furnace cannot be fixed. Of course, you should carefully review the terms and conditions of the contract before signing, but a home warranty could help you avoid spending hundreds of dollars on furnace repairs. Companies frequently offer even pre-season tune-ups for your HVAC system.

When to Repair

An ACE-certified HVAC professional can typically quickly identify and fix furnace problems. Any problems your furnace has can likely be fixed through the repair if it is new, that is, if it has less than 10 years of system life.

Additionally, suppose your furnace is still effectively heating your home in the North American region (your HVAC professional can help you verify this). In that case, it is still likely and more cost-effective to repair. Generally speaking, your furnace is operating effectively as long as your heating costs are not trending upward with continued use and your home is not experiencing problems with uneven heating.

As long as the repairs you need cost less than one-third of the price of a new heating system, and your furnace is still within the first half of its predicted lifespan, repair is probably your best option. Remember that there are alternative routes you can take before replacing your furnace, even if you notice a decline in heating efficiency.

Ask your HVAC professional if changing your thermostat or having the ductwork in your North American home checked for integrity could improve the efficiency of your furnace. Also, ask about routine furnace maintenance plans that will keep your appliance in great shape and help you avoid more expensive repairs or efficiency declines.

When it's best to replace

Repairs might not always be able to bring your heating system back to a minimally functional state. Most furnaces are expected to last 15 to 20 years; after this time, the heating system will start to malfunction more frequently. As a result, if your furnace is 15 years old or older, it's time to think about replacement. No matter how old your furnace is, if you've been calling your HVAC service company too frequently for repairs, it might be time to consider replacing it.

Repairs might appear to be a simple fix, but if they don't keep your furnace running for years at a time, these frequent, smaller costs can add up quickly and end up costing you more in the long run. The quality of the original furnace installation and the furnace's capacity are two factors that may determine whether replacement is best for you. Your furnace's performance depends heavily on how well it is installed.

Also, if your furnace isn't sized correctly for the size of your North American home or your heating requirements, it might be having trouble. Instead of repeatedly dealing with breakdowns and poor performance, you should consider replacing the system and starting over if your furnace isn't properly sized or installed.

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Book time with your expert, Bryan, to discuss your best furnace option this year.